Lay Leadership |
"The laity are gathered together in the People of God and make up the Body of Christ under one head. Whoever they are, they are called upon, as living members, to expend all their energy for the growth of the Church and its continuous sanctification, since this very energy is a gift of the Creator and a blessing of the Redeemer." - Lumen Gentium 33
Parish Pastoral Council |
The purpose of the St. Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook Parish Pastoral Council is to:
a) listen to, identify, and examine the needs, ideas and hopes of our community; b) develop, encourage, and communicate with the staff, and ministries, and to continually assess the quality of the parish faith community; c) create a culture of involvement, embracing and welcoming the faith community and encouraging the development of leaders; d) envision the future; formulate, implement, and monitor the goals of our parish as we, as followers of Christ, strive to fulfill His mission of walking together and with the guidance of the Church's teachings. |
Parish Finance Council |
The St Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook Parish Finance Council provides accountability and transparency for the financial stewardship of the parish, as well as advice and approval for major projects and expenditures.
School Advisory Board |
The St. Norbert School Advisory Board advises the pastor and the principal, and actively works to broaden investment in the mission and vision of St. Norbert School. The Board's subcommittees include: Mission Effectiveness, Institutional Advancement, Fiscal Management, and Strategic Planning.